Technical Data Sheet
Opti-Coat Bag Pre-Coat
The following procedure is recommended for a successful conditioning operation:
- Operate the ID fan with the fan damper modulated or the fan speed at ~50% of normal operating airflow. The velocity should be sufficient to carry the powder through the ductwork and into the individual compartments.
- Allow the Opti-Coat powder to enter the system evenly and gradually. The material should not be “dumped” into the system. Use of a hose to vacuum the powder from the bags/totes is an excellent way to introduce the powder.
- Inject Opti-Coat at a rate of ten (10) pounds/1000 ft2 of cloth area.
- Following the complete injection of Opti-Coat, it is necessary that the ID fan continue to operate and individual compartment dampers remain open in order to keep the powder on the bag surface. If the dampers are closed or the fan stops, the majority of the pre-coat will fall into the hopper.
The injection feed rate should simulate process dust and should not exceed the following rates:
- Up to 25,000 CFM-feed @ 10 lbs/min. maximum
- 25,000 to 50,000 CFM-feed @ 25 lbs/min. maximum
- 50,000 to 75,000 CFM-feed @ 45 lbs/min. maximum
- 75,000 to 100,000 CFM-feed @ 60 lbs/min. maximum
- 100,000 to 200,000 CFM-feed @ 100 lbs/min. maximum
Over 200,000 CFM, the feed restriction is not a major factor but 200 pounds/minute should be a target rate.
Monitor and record the pressure drop across both the baghouse and individual compartments before, during and after the injection. The cleaning system should remain off until a normal operating pressure drop is achieved. The pressure drop should be trended throughout this process so that the cleaning cycle can be optimized and the pre-coat protects the filter bags for as long as possible.